
I love the ocean and consider myself to be one with it. I have followed my true passion for swimming in the ocean, and over the years, I have perfected my methods and skills to become an experienced open water swimmer.

Swimming in the most remote of places, far out in the middle of the ocean exposed to freezing cold water, where you cannot see any land and the waves are several feet high — THAT is my passion.

I love being a guest in a place where the laws of the ocean have remained unchanged for millions of years. I want to share this experience with you, in a way that makes you feel as if you were swimming right next to me.

Please join me on this fascinating journey!


Protect the Ocean

I love the sea and see myself as a part of it. With my initiative THE BLUE HEART I want to protect and preserve the oceans. I would be delighted if you were to join me. Show your love for the sea and support sustainable projects to protect the oceans.

We understand that we depend on the ocean and need to treat it better. That's why THE BLUE HEART gets involved and supports projects for people and animals who live in and for the sea. Show your love! Protect your love! Show your THE BLUE HEART!


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Preserve your


Actively getting out of your comfort zone, adjusting your mindset, and letting go of things you cannot control – those are only some of the building blocks for the type of success and balance that will enable you to achieve once seemingly unattainable goals.

Available for employee meetings, customer conferences or as a key note speaker — both live and online — Andre will help your participants gain focus on what is possible.


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"Heligoland – can you swim there?"

53.2 kilometers at a stretch  /  North Sea 16 degrees  /  only in swimming trunks  /  the most violent currents of all the world's oceans ...


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The Ocean's Seven Mission

The Ocean's Seven rules date back to the 19th century: Only swimming trunks, caps and goggles are allowed.


English Channel21 mi
Kaiwi Channel27 mi
North Channel21 mi
Catalina Channel21 mi
Tsugaru Strait12 mi
Cook Strait16 mi
Strait of Gibraltar7 mi
English Channel21 mi
Kaiwi Channel27 mi
North Channel21 mi
Catalina Channel21 mi
Tsugaru Strait12 mi
Cook Strait16 mi
Strait of Gibraltar7 mi

Six long years of hard training, extensive planning and many trips to the seven most famous straits in the world: I am even grateful to be the first German to have mastered this challenge.


The (audio) books


[Translate to English:] theBlueHeart Philippines

theBlueHeart Philippines

Expedition to protect nature.

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[Translate to English:] Epic Swim Seychelles

Epic Swim Seychelles

2. attempt in spring 2024

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[Translate to English:] EPIC SWIM MAUI CANCELLED


Cancellation of the swimming project on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

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Andre und ein Wissenschaftler präsentieren ein wissenschaftliches Gerät."Tasting" scientific data

"Tasting" scientific data

In collaboration with Sea and Sun Technology, I swim for science.

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[Translate to English:] Epic Swim Maui – Breath of Awareness

Epic Swim Maui – Breath of Awareness

With surfing legend Robby Seeger once around the whole island...

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The Blue Heart Goes To School

The Blue Heart supports climate school projects with contributions, films and pictures on the topic of marine protection.

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"It's not good to eat with the sharks"

"It's not good to eat with the sharks"

Interview by Jens Mickler (WDR)

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Video teaser: "Open Ocean Project"- Swim in Seychelles

Video teaser: "Open Ocean Project"- Swim in Seychelles

After the mission Heligoland it goes now to the Seychelles...

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Andre am Strand auf den Seychellen. Er breitet die Arme aus.Press release: André Wiersig swims for sustainability in the Seychelles

Press release: André Wiersig swims for sustainability in the Seychelles

Swimmer André Wiersig, who in August became the first person to swim from the mainland to Heligoland, is dedicating his next adventure to sustainable tourism in the Seychelles.

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"The North Sea does with you what it wants"

"The North Sea does with you what it wants"

Article by Bernd Steinle in the FAZ (German)

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[Translate to English:] Andre Wiersig in dunklem Wasser des PazifikJohn Wayne of the Pacific

John Wayne of the Pacific

Seven adventures, seven dramas: André Wiersig tells of extreme swimming


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